Friday, January 8, 2010


Some of us has experience being locked up for whatever reason. But don't make going to jail a habit black man If you can avoid doing a jail sentence please do so its not worth it in the long run. And let me break it down if you don't realize what you losing out on. #1. when you go to jail and you leave your children behind who is going to support them if you was the bread winner. THE SYSTEM will support them and guess what when you come home after doing a yr or a few yrs now you owe child support all that dam money because you was doing a bid and you was not able to hold up to your responsibilities this is not a joke this is how 65% of our fathers get caught up with owing thousands of dollars in debt. #2. lets say you had a job when u got convicted of a crime now you lose your job and medical benefits because of your foolish actions. Now you have to start all over again and now you under supervision where somebody have to tell you what to do. Like what time to go home and where you can and can not be. Not only that you are forced to find a job all over again. commit your self to all these programs and they get money for your attendance and you don't get a dime of that cash. Not to mention you still have an obligation to care for your kids and this brings more problems into your personal life now you fighting with your child guardian because they need you to help out with the kids. They do not care that you just came home from jail. Now the pressure is on and you start to think twice about what u going Thur and you become stress which may lead you to make more wrong decisions just because you want to do right by your child or children. So this is necessary for us black men to stay out of jail cells and plus we need to stop investing in that industry that is why they keep building more jails. Yes we are an investment every time we walk Thur them gates..think about it..If you knew this you wouldn't DOO DAT....

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