Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Think about going back to school!! Must read this

Many of us are facing really hard times due to the economy and some of us are looking for a quick fix. Like going back to school to earn a degree which is a very good idea but not so good when you have to take out school loans to accomplish this goal. Those school loans can ruin your life if you not on your job paying these loans back as soon as you finish school and find a job but we all know or heard stories about people who have earned master degrees and still have no job or may have a job earning less than what the actual degree is worth so to pay these loans back and still maintain your lifestyle like paying rent or just other bills period could be a problem altogether. The problem is some of us don't think too far ahead and when we realize we made a mistake its too late to correct them. I am not telling you not to follow your dreams and goals but if you really can't afford to go to college don't do it. You are just setting your self up to owe a lot of money DON'T PUT YOUR SELF IN DEEPER DEBT. Also if you have children about to go to college and your child may need you to co-sign for them could be another issue later on down the line anything could happen to your child. Let's just say something may happen to your child like they could pass away guess what you are now stuck paying that loan back how avoid this issue is easy get life insurance for your child just in case something like that do happen now you have that life insurance to help you pay off that loan and keep the banks off that ASS.... IF YOU KNEW THIS YOU WOULDN'T DOO DAT PEACE AND BLESSINGS